„Tarptautinės ir nacionalinės muitų teisės kolizijos su ES muitų teise: Lietuvos Respublikos pavyzdys“

May 22, 2020, Lex Portus (2(22)’ 2020); https://lexportus.net.ua/en/

The stone stele containing the carved text of Lex Portus Asiae adopted by the Roman emperor Neron in the year 62 AD, which was found in Ephesus in 1976. That was the first known set of customs rules for the movement of goods between the Roman Empire and its Asian territories.

155 lines contain the translation into Greek of the Latin laws and later rules concerning movement of goods by land and by sea, the relations between tax debtors and customs officers, a duty procedure of payments on goods in transit, customs immunity, deadlines of customs payments and other questions arising in practice of trade of that time.

(from: Purpura G. La provincia romana d’Asia, i publicani e l’epigrafe di Efeso (Monumentum Ephesinum) in: Iura, Rivista Internazionale di Diritto Romano e Antico, 52, 2001, (in corso di stampa).

Aims & Scope

Lex Portus is a Diamond Open Access law scientific journal which publishes original research articles and reviews in the areas of Maritime and Transport Law, International Trade, Customs and Tax Law, Border Management, Globalization and Europeanization of Administrative Law.

Lex Portus is a peer reviewed scientific journal which is committed to be a reliable source of current information on developments in the field and to serve as a forum for leading scholars and practitioners. Our Editorial Board makes rapid and fair publication decisions that are based on the principles of The COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and COPE Core Practices.


Lex Portus is registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (Certificate of state registration КV № 24448-14328PR of 2020, June 16).

Lex Portus is registered by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine for publishing results of Doctoral and PhD dissertations (Decree of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine of 2021, June 29 No. 735).


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To grant permanent access to its publications, Lex Portus deposits Open Access articles in Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine and the Repository of National University “Odessa Law Academy”. Authors are also permitted to post the final, published PDF of their article on a web-site, institutional repository or other free public resource, immediately on publication.

Open Access Policy

Lex Portus journal supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative. Abstracts and full texts of all papers published by Lex Portus are freely accessible to everyone immediately after publication. Under its Diamond OA policy the journal does not charge publication fees.

Lex Portus journal was founded in 2016.

The founders of Lex Portus journal are the National University “Odessa Law Academy”, the Public Organization “Marine association “Saint Nicholas” and the Public Organization ”Lex Portus”.

The frequency of publication is 6 times per year.

The submission of papers is open on permanent basis.

The language of publication is English. Abstracts are also published in Ukrainian and Russian.