Representation of natural and legal persons and preparation of procedural documents in tax and customs disputes in the courts of the Republic of Lithuania, Tax, Administrative Disputes Commission, tax administrator (State Tax Inspectorate, customs authorities) institutions, as well as EU institutions (EU courts, EU Commission, etc.); legal assistance in tax inspections and investigations; provision of conclusions, recommendations, consultations, studies, explanations on taxation and possible tax risks, preparation of inquiries to tax administrators on tax and customs issues.

Representation in administrative and administrative offense cases with state (municipal) institutions on other issues regulated by public law (penalties, sanctions, permits, issuance of licenses, granting and administrating of state and EU aid, etc.).

Legal assistance in other areas related to business and personal activities of legal and natural persons (e. g. issues regulated by civil and labor law), representation (as required) in civil, labor disputes, preparation of procedural documents, contracts, claims, letters and other legal documents

Conducting and organizing external and internal trainings on tax and customs issues, preparation of expert studies on taxation of planned economic / business activities.